Litwin, Sheldon E., Komtebedde, Jan, Hummel, Scott L., Bugger, Heiko, Boenner, Florian, Hoendermis, Elke, Cikes, Maja, Demers, Catherine, Silva, Guillherme, van Empel, Vanessa, Starling, Randall C., Penicka, Martin, Seidler, Tim, Cutlip, Donald E., Leon, MB, Kitzman, DW, van Veldhuisen, DJ, Shah, SJ, REDUCE LAP-HF investigators and research staff,, Borlaug, Barry A., Winkler, Sebastian, Solomon, Scott D., Eicher, Jean-Christophe, Mazimba, Sula, Khawash, Rami, Sverdlov, Aaron L.. John Wiley & Sons; 2024. Obesity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Insights from the REDUCE LAP-HF II trial.
Litwin, Sheldon E., Komtebedde, Jan, Sverdlov, Aaron L., Fail, Peter, Chung, Eugene S., Kaye, David M., Blair, John, Eicher, Jean-Christophe, Hummel, Scott L., Zirlik, Andreas, Westenfeld, Ralf, Hayward, Christopher, Hu, Mo, Gorter, Thomas M., Demers, C, Shetty, R, Lewis, G, Starling, RC, Patel, S, Gupta, DK, Morsli, H, Penicka, M, Cikes, M, Burkhoff, Daniel, Gustafsson, F, Silvestry, FE, Rowin, EJ, Cutlip, DE, Leon, MB, Kitzman, DW, Kleber, FX, Shah, SJ, REDUCE LAP-HF Investigators and Research Staff,, Hasenfuß, Gerd, Borlaug, Barry A., Solomon, Scott D., Zile, Michael R., Mohan, Rajeev C., Khawash, Rami. Elsevier; 2023. Exercise-Induced Left Atrial Hypertension in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction.